
Detroit Future Schools Call for Research Partner

dsc01563_0Allied Media Projects is searching for an academic researcher or journalist interested in studying the impact of our innovative digital media arts-integration program, Detroit Future Schools. Our goal is to produce a case study (or similar effort) about any or all of the following:

  • instructional practices for transformative classroom cultures
  • authentic learning
  • youth empowerment and mobilization
  • effective resistance to test score-driven educational reform
  • digital media arts integration and it's role in the above

DFS partners digital media artists with classroom teachers (any grade or subject) for a year towards the goal of reinventing the practice and purpose of education for a more just, creative and collaborative world. The Detroit Future Schools Program Overview provides an introduction to the theory behind our program.

In the pursuit of developing effective pedagogical practices for youth in schools, having an objective third party researcher come in and document his/her findings is critical.

We have a number of documentation and evaluation practices that have allowed us to engage with the nuanced work of classrooms, but we lack in quantitative research and streamlinging our process of data collection and analysis.

If you are interested, please send an email to, including:

  • a short description of your research / journalistic background and
  • an explanation of your goals for partnership with Detroit Future Schools

We look forward to hearing from you!