Humanizing this Moment

“This being human is a guest house.” - Jellaludin Rumi


Dear PIE Community, 

Amid all that is rapidly changing with the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re taking time to pause and pivot. We are considering how best to show up in (virtual) space for each other and our community. And we’re remembering our Rida framework, which begins with focusing on the context within and outside learning spaces.

This crisis demands that we stop to process and adapt to our current context. As such, we are: 

  • Working remotely and practicing social distancing until further notice. 

  • Collaborating with our partners on supporting families, students and educators.

  • Pausing all programming in schools and after school spaces.

During this time of uncertainty, it's easy (and human) to panic and lose sight of hope. Now that there is so much we can’t predict, we can focus on how we feel. This transition is hard for many, including all of us at PIE. We have felt grief, frustration, sadness and hopelessness. We have also felt gratitude for the presence and work of those around us, so we take this time to embrace and focus on our shared humanity. 

We continue to practice radical hope and look for joy, and we support you in doing the same. To start, check out a few resources below - and there’s more where these come from, so stay tuned.

Lastly, we invite you to pause and embrace being human with us as we read one of our favorite gems together, Rumi’s “The Guest House.”

If you think of anything to share, ask or affirm as we adapt and embrace this change, you can find us at

With love, 

The PIE Team